A Florida-Based Consulting Firm

(850) 727-4985

Revolutionizing Special Education in Charter Scools

Current & Recent FLSpEC Projects


FACSA Tri-State Alliance Project

As part of a project spearheaded by the Tri-State Alliance, FLSpEC is conducting a needs assessment of barriers that may prevent authorizers from ensuring that their charter schools adequately serve students with disabilities. 

A primary goal of the Tri-State Alliance is to "educate districts and other key stakeholders about districts' ongoing authorizing and oversight responsibilities under state law as an effective way to expand options for all students, thereby improving access and services for disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, and English Learners."

In Year One of the project, each state is required to conduct a needs assessment of this issue, which will be used by the state association [FACSA] to develop a plan to improve access and services for disadvantaged students. FASCA chose students with disabilities as focus of this study.